That pain and itchiness? That constant feeling of discomfort? Feeling restricted motion in your joints? Getting disappointed time and time again with ‘skin products' or medical interventions that do NOTHING for you? ? Feeling your skin be rough and wrinkly instead of clean and smooth? Feeling like there's no hope, no cure, and that you are condemned to live with Psoriasis for the rest of your life?
If you've had ENOUGH, then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read. Here's why. I'm writing you today because I want to tell you about a breakthrough scientific discovery about Psoriasis. If you read it... I promise you'll be immensely rewarded. If you fully understand it, you won't want to miss a single day of your life without it. Let me explain... There is new research out for people with Psoriasis that has helped hundreds of people like you reverse their condition. And chances are, you won't hear about this anywhere else, because it isn't in the interest of pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies that you know about this. - You see, if everybody knew about it, they couldn't sell their life-long "maintenance" drugs anymore. - They stand to lose millions of dollars in profits... This is why you will only hear about this through word of mouth, or, on the Internet. - Is it terrifying to drug companies to realize that this natural discovery, without the use of creams or medicine, is helping people eliminate their Psoriasis FAST and simply. With traditional medicine, Psoriasis can never be cured. Traditional medicine "fights" the SYMPTOMS of the disease, but never deals with the ROOT CAUSE of the problem. In fact, doctors say that they have no idea WHAT causes Psoriasis, they don't know how to cure it... but here is a prescription for some drugs anyway. (sound familiar?) Does that make any sense to you? Why would they give you drugs if they don't know what Psoriasis is, what caused it, or how to cure it?? Scientists have now discovered... that Psoriasis can be reversed FAST and FOR GOOD with natural means! After years of intensive research, a group of doctors, microbiologists, and scientists conducted breakthrough research on "Modern Diseases". What are these modern diseases? They're typically "Western-World" diseases like... Cancer Lupus Diabetes Multiple Sclerosis High Cholesterol Cardio-Vascular diseases And... Psoriasis.
You see, in the West, we have an abnormal amount of these diseases... that practically don't exist in "undeveloped" parts of the world. This has been known for a long time, and for years, these scientists have wondered why. Well they finally discovered why. They discovered that it is our modern lifestyle that is actively causing these diseases... and that... Your Diet is the Single Biggest Influence on Your Psoriasis! How can our diet have such a big impact on our health? I'll explain it in two ways. First I'm going to give you a metaphor for what's happening inside your body right now... and then I'll give you the scientific explanation from the scientists themselves. First, picture your body as a car, that has slowly evolved over time.... and you're driving this 2-million year old car. An all-natural, organic, living, breathing car. For 2 million years, this car has been using fuel such as: - water - seeds - nuts - grasses - herbs - roots - fruits - vegetables - cereals That's the fuel it is used to. More importantly, that's the kind of stuff it was built on, the raw materials it was made of. Then, suddenly, after 2,000,000 years... that car switches over to - for the last 100 years - a new, modern mixture of: - sugar - sweets - biscuits - crisps - chocolate - cola and soft-drinks - fats & oils - cigarettes and alcohol - pharmaceutical drugs - chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) - etc. What do you think would happen to this ‘vehicle'? That's right: It breaks down! If you keep pouring in fuels that your body can't process properly... then eventually the motor starts experiencing serious difficulties. Some people develop dangerous tumours. Other people have Cholesterol levels that are through the roof. For you, your diet and lifestyle is causing the condition commonly referred to as Psoriasis... This condition is simply a SYMPTOM of a very fundamental and DANGEROUS IMBALANCE within your body, and Psoriasis is simply the initial way it is manifesting itself in your body. Psoriasis is, in a sense, the least of your worries... If you really think about that... it means that... Psoriasis is not a Disease But A Symptom of Your True Disease Inside Your Body: The Root Cause. Psoriasis is simply due to excess acidity being eliminated from your body, so that it doesn't damage the integrity of your internal systems and organs, through the largest eliminatory organ of your body: YOUR SKIN! But what CAUSES this excess acidity in the first place??!
In reality, Psoriasis is not the "disease" at all. It's actually a "symptom" - an outward "signal" - of a damaged inner terrain that simply is too polluted, toxic, and acidic! So what does this mean, you might ask? A compromised, toxic, acidic inner terrain is a breeding ground for all kinds of "nasties" to proliferate. These collect in the weakest parts of the body and start tearing the body's processes down. That's what these controversial scientists have found. Psoriasis doesn't just happen, but instead is the direct result of a breakdown inside our body. When millions of people around the world start experiencing the same health problems, something is seriously wrong. Something is unbalanced. And it's never an "accident". What scientists have now discovered is... that the "Root Cause" of Psoriasis is our modern lifestyle, causing your body to become diseased by acids: sugars, carbohydrates, excess fats and uric acid (all very common in our modern diets) keep flowing through our bloodstream. Because our body is a very delicately balanced organism, whatever you ingest can radically destroy that delicate balance... Which means... Psoriasis Is Just A Warning Sign Of A Total Breakdown Inside Your Body Due To Your Lifestyle. This is when you develop "Psoriasis"... And if you don't stop destroying your body's internal processes and organs, you develop ever more serious and life-threatening health problems. Our radical change in diet and lifestyle in the last 100 years has actually transformed your body into a toxic wasteland. Here's what leading scientist, Dr Robert O. Young, has to say about the ROOT cause of diseases such as Psoriasis: "There is only One Sickness and One Disease, and this one ‘sickness' is the over-acidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of living, thinking, and eating... there can therefore be only one remedy and treatment, and that is to alkalise the body and break the cycle of imbalance, thus allowing us to experience the energy, vitality and true health we're all meant to have." Dr. Young is an American microbiologist and nutrition scientist, and is known as one of the top research scientists in the world. His findings are currently sending shockwaves throughout the scientific community. Published in noted medical journals and having conducted tests in collaboration with the John Hopkins Medical School, his findings are irrefutable and indisputable. | | Dr. Robert O. Young, Microbiologist and Scientist, author of "The pH Miracle". |
Now for the exciting part: As soon as these acids stop overflowing your body, it gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. Once you "cleanse" the body from the overflow of acids, it starts to heal and rebuild itself. Once you focus on the ROOT CAUSE of what is causing your Psoriasis... you instantly start seeing Psoriasis from a different perspective. Instead of "Medication" and "fighting the symptoms", you start thinking about "Health" and treating the CAUSE. The simple and overlooked truth about Psoriasis - and many other modern diseases - is that it's infinitely more important to pay attention to what you put inside your body, than to have to deal with the symptoms that drugs can fight on the outside. Picture mopping up a floor... while the water is still running... The SMART thing to do, is to turn the faucet off, AND mop up the floor. You're never going to cure anything until you start treating the cause. OK - So What's the Solution? The solution to all of this is to get back into your natural state of vibrant health... by "cleansing" yourself from the inside, allowing your body to rest and heal itself by stopping once and for all the incessant attacks on your inner terrain. Think about it: For every disease, your immune system is triggered and it immediately starts fighting it. Your body can restore every wound, diseased organ or damaged cell that it needs to - but it cannot do that if you keep polluting it... Your body simply can't keep up! Here's just a few things you'll learn about how to get back into health... and stop your Psoriasis... As your natural inner balance is restored, you will begin to experience renewed energy, absence of pain and aches, and your symptoms associated with Psoriasis will disappear... They're your first steps to freedom from Psoriasis medication!) And while you keep supporting your body in this way, it will eventually recover completely, giving you back your health and freedom from a life of taking drugs and only getting sicker. You won't believe what a difference this makes in your life. I love getting letters from people who've struggled with Psoriasis for years and are now charged with unstoppable energy and a enormous feeling of liberation... Their doctors were shocked... and at a complete loss for words at their recovery. Here's just a few of the stories I've received from ex-Psoriasis sufferers... Testimonial | "Hi Mark! I came across your ebook on Psoriasis, and immediate "got" what it was about.... I've been on this new alkalyzing diet for 2-1/2 weeks and have lost 9 pounds. Best of all, my psoriasis is completely healed! Thank you for providing a MAJOR "link" to my next great life adventure. Warmly," Jacqueline |
Testimonial | "Hi Mark, I am feeling much better now, thanks! In fact I feel great! I absolutely cannot believe the changes so far and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your e-book. Everything you said in your book makes PERFECT SENSE! It is such a relief to know that I can control what happens to my body myself, through diet! Thank you, thank you! I'd love to read more of your work!! Thank you for keeping in touch, I really appreciate your interest and concern. Bless you!" Sandi |
Testimonial | "Hi Mark, I was desperate looking for a cure for my psoriasis that I had 12 years, I visited a lot of doctors and spent a lot of money on creams and moisturizers, what was upsetting so much when doctors said to me that there is no cure for it. Then a few weeks ago I checked in internet the latest news about psoriasis, and thanks god I came across your e-book, and i bought it without a little hesitation. I followed the diet, and i feel so good, my psoriasis is all cleared, I couldn't believe it, its a miracle! I wish I knew about it long time ago, so I could prevent all the trouble it has caused me last 12 years. Thank you so much Mark, and please keep in touch and let me know about the latest on your research, you've been great help." Omar Rehaimi |
Testimonial | "Hi Mark, I came across your website and bought your e-book at a time that I was desperate for something to help with my psoriatic arthritis. Within an week of changing my diet I was walking the dog on the beach when I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to take my anti-inflammatory medication the previous evening. That just never happens because of the pain. Since that time I have only needed to take the occasional anti-inflammatory and my skin condition is about 80% improved. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!" Mark D. Sunshine Coast, Australia |
You may have noticed people talk about it being a "miracle cure". But it's simple and straightforward: it's about putting your body back into balance. After reading my ebook, you'll understand that Psoriasis is not something you "have"... but that you actively "do" - and keep doing - as long as you keep feeding the disease with your diet and lifestyle. Psoriasis is not the only thing you're risking, by the way. By cutting out the "danger substances" from our diets, we achieve a lot of other health benefits like:  | Prevent diseases like Diabetes, Heart Disease, and even Cancer... by having a clean, healthy body and by boosting your immune system |  | Find out how we've lost our health within our own bodies... and why most Pharmaceutical drugs do nothing except treat the symptoms. |  | Boost your energy levels, sleep better and increase your mental clarity. |  | And discover why the "USA" actually ranks number 37 in overall health in the world... and why diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Psoriasis and Multiple sclerosis hardly even exist in countries with "old-school" medical systems (This alone will open your eyes!) |
Now I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking to yourself that you're attached to your diet. You're probably afraid that I'm going to propose... ...A Lifetime of Salads to Keep You Free From Disease. Nothing is further from the truth. Yes, our modern diet causes enormous problems for our health. But taking good care of ourselves is not just a "health luxury". It's an absolute necessity if we don't want to be held hostage by pharmaceutical drugs, blood checkups and hospital stays. Not doing this only takes away more and more of your energy, your freedom - even your life. But, I understand your concern. I really do want you to get back your health the easiest way humanly possible. We don't live out in the wild anymore... and there are certain "shortcuts" to jump-start your body back into vibrant health... that you can start using to help you get back on track conveniently. Here's what you're about to learn...  | Super-charge your recovery with 3 ingredients that will instantly cleanse your body from acids and toxins. (Hint: These little-known ingredients are the fastest way possible to drastically slash your recovery time and stop your Psoriasis!) |  | Discover the 5 critical ingredients for a healthy body at all times (99% of people don't get enough of at least 3 of them... and it's seriously damaging to the way your body removes waste and affects your immune system! |  | One "space-age", Nobel-prize winning ingredient that hardly anyone knows about... yet a small group of leading scientists and doctors can't stop raving about because of its "immune system-boost"... and health benefits. |
Basically, these ingredients are what you need to get back into good health, the easiest and fastest way humanly possible. Within days, you'll feel more energy than you've had in years In a few weeks, you'll start seeing an enormous difference in how you look and feel... and you'll be both shocked and surprised when you realize that your Psoriasis has DISAPPEARED! This is not theory: this is absolute common sense about what makes us healthy, backed by proven science and validated by dozens of Psoriasis patients just like you. "So, if this really works, how come I haven't heard of it before?" Actually, there are two reasons. The first is that your doctor is an expert in disease. He's taught to fight diseases and symptoms with traditional, pharmaceutical medicine - that in the case of Psoriasis doesn't really produce any results. It doesn't address what causes your body to destroy itself in the first place. Once you understand Psoriasis as a condition of the environment your cells are in (your inner terrain), rather than a disease of the cells themselves, you'll understand why taking drugs or using external creams simply doesn't work - and that current medical science has got it... completely... WRONG.
The second reason your Doctor hasn't told you about this is that by the time a doctor graduates, almost 50% of his knowledge is already outdated because of advances in medical science. Things are changing so quickly in the medical field, that doctors rely the majority of their education on the training they get from multi-billion dollar Pharmaceutical companies. These companies thrive on "consumable products". They produce "pharmaceuticals" that you often are dependant on for the rest of your life. It is MUCH more profitable this way. Think about it: If these companies are in charge of deciding what gets produced, then it becomes pretty obvious that when they prefer marketing a pharmaceutical solution... these alternative remedies never even make it to the Doctors office. Doctor Testimonial | I just read through your website and bought your eBook. Fantastic! You're amazing and what you're doing is such an extraordinary contribution to people. I am so excited that you're on a mission to spread the word to educate people about what's happening to the health of people worldwide, especially in the States and the UK. I'm a Chiropractor and everything you share to the public speaks the Truth about Life, Living, Happiness and Health. Thank you so much for what you are doing. Thank you for being there for me to find you so simply. In Health and Greatness." Dr. MaryAnne Shiozawa Chiroprator Shiozawa Wellness Center |
When you get my book, you'll read how powerful vested interests have slowed down the release of this very remedy... and how brave doctors and scientists (whose work this book is based on) have fought tooth and nail to get this information out on the market. And now that it is... I Want to do Everything in my Power to Make Sure You Start Putting this Breakthrough Information to Use. Here's how. First, I'm going to make it profitable for you. It's the best way I know of to motivate you into action... and since I want to make absolutely sure you get this remedy today, here's my promise: Either you totally eliminate your Psoriasis FAST... or I'll give you your money back and you keep the ebooks. Here's my straightforward guarantee: 
My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee! I'm absolutely confident that this remedy will have a tremendous, unimaginable impact on your health and cure your Psoriasis. So much so, that to make absolutely SURE that you try this today... I'm going to put my money on the line and make it profitable for you to try. Listen: Either you stop your Psoriasis in its tracks... ... and start recovering your Health & Energy...
Or you get your money back. If my remedy doesn't radically improve your health, just come back to this page,, and contact Clickbank through their website And all you do is tell them you want a quick and courteous refund for my book, the Psoriasis Breakthrough. | It's that simple... and here's why it's safe, as well: Clickbank is the company that handles all the transactions for this book. They keep your money "in escrow" for 60 days, and whenever you request a refund, they issue it for you - it's a completely safe way of doing business for both of us. Second, I'm going to give you these bonus books just as a sign of good will, to reward you for taking action and taking charge of your health, and to thank you for giving my ebook a fair try...  | Super Bonus #1 "11 Steps To Solving Any Problem" Challenges and problems inevitably arise - discover the most effective ways to tackle them head on quickly and effectively! Value = $27.00 - You get it for FREE! |  | Super Bonus #2 "The Complete Guide To Achieving Total Self-Confidence... Fast!" Become Absolutely Unstoppable In Every Area Of Your Life! Discover 20 Simple And Effective Techniques To Skyrocket Your Self-Esteem Overnight! Value = $39.95 - You get it for FREE! |  | Super Bonus #3 "How To Be Happy All The Time - Anchor Yourself To Happiness!" A short guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques that help you create triggers to feel emotions of Happiness, Joy, Excitement, and Enthusiasm... at will! Value = $25.95 - You get it for FREE! |
They're worth a total of $92.90... but they're free with your purchase. This is the best package and the strongest guarantee I've managed to come up with to really jump start your health and cure your Psoriasis. I'm offering it to you for just $47. Why $47? It's probably not what you think... - You're not paying for the production or downloading of the book. The costs for downloads have gone down so much that it's practically free to send it to you. - You're not paying for your consultation or the bonus books. I promised you it came free with your order and it's not included in the price whatsoever. - And, you're not paying for the writing, the research, and the time and energy of the scientists and nutrition specialists that went into this book. In fact, this book is being distributed free of charge in Third World countries... The truth is that it costs a lot to get this information out in the first place. Remember the link you clicked right before you got to this page? Advertising online costs a lot of money... and it's important that this website stays financially independent. And think about it: is Psoriasis really a price issue? Health cannot be bought... and doing this RIGHT is worth much more than the $1,000's of dollars in saved medical bills. You "buy back" something that really can't be bought - which is complete, vibrant HEALTH. So now, you've got two choices. 1. Get The Psoriasis Breakthrough, get your Health back... and become totally free from Psoriasis forever! OR 2. Do nothing. Keep doing what you've always done. Try "snake oil" alternatives, keep worrying about your disease and risking your health. You'll eventually realize that there's simply no alternative to the principles of "good health" found by the scientists in this book.
Your other option is to never try anything at all and just settle for pharmaceutical drugs and hospitalization until the day that you die. Don't let that be you! This package will give you your life back! I promise you that if you follow this guide to the letter, you'll quickly start eliminating your Psoriasis! And once you see the first results, your motivation will carry you to vibrant health you could only dream about. You've got nothing to lose, and freedom from Psoriasis to gain. Note: When you click the link above, you'll be taken to a secure, protected page. All you do is fill in your Country and Zipcode, fill out the form on the next page, and you'll be taken to my "Thank You" page where you can download everything you need to get started with my E-book TODAY. It's instantly available just seconds after you complete your order. I ask you.. - If you want to be free from Psoriasis forever... - If you want to end the risk of chronic diseases, deteriorating health, and a whole range of other health problems... - If you want to put a stop to threats to your overall health... Then please, act now. The package I've put together for you won't last forever... because there are only so many hours in a day and so many people I can take on for the free consultation. Won't you please click the link above and start today? All the best in vibrant health. Love, 
Mark Anastasi C.E.O. LifeQuest Education Suite 10, Esher High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10, UK (0044) (0)781 644 2563 | (Please contact us with ANY questions!) |
P.s. I've really done everything in my power to put together the best package possible... and I sincerely hope you use it, give it away to your loved ones and other Psoriasis sufferers to get the truth about Psoriasis out to the world. After reading this letter, can you honestly say drugs or creams are still the solution? An option to accept for the rest of your life? This package IS the solution - and it's backed with a FULL iron-clad money-back guarantee. Listen, if you think there's anything else you need for this package, won't you please drop me a line at my personal email address, I'd be happy to help you. If not, then please, make the healthy decision now and click the button to get started:
Who is Mark Anastasi? Mark Anastasi is a public speaker and entrepreneur specializing in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Online Marketing. Born to a French mother and a British-Cypriot father, he grew up in Athens, Greece, where he attended the Lycée Franco-Hellénique until 1997. At the age of 18, he moved to Oxford, England, to study Business Management. Having been inspired by the work of Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Jack Black, Deepak Chopra, Robert Kiyosaki, and Warren Borsje, the field of personal development appealed to him vastly more than the traditional jobs offered to graduates. Incidentally, it made no sense to him, either, that despite an 18-year education, he'd never had even 1 HOUR of life-enhancing self-growth education, say, on the areas of Health, Wealth, goal-setting, or Accelerated Learning techniques. After a very short spell working for a Human Resources consultancy, he decided to launch his own personal development company, The LifeQuest Partnership. In July 2003, he came across the work of Dr. Robert O. Young and other health experts with a radically different view on what it takes to truly be healthy. He also discovered the horrifying truth about the pharmaceutical and food industries, that is costing millions of lives around the world. His mission in life now consists of making the Health and Personal Development insights he's gained in his lifetime available to everyone around the world and affect massive change on a global scale. My Outcomes It is my absolute PASSION and mission in life to share this vital information with as many people as possible. I KNOW this information will transform your life in the way it has countless others. By reading this book you will become FREE. Free from all the disinformation, free from Psoriasis, and free from the fear of getting ill, getting sick, getting old. It is my sincerest desire that you, the reader, will in turn educate others about the fundamental principles for vibrant health and energy contained within my book.  Click here to get The Psoriasis Breakthrough now and start your path to freedom from Psoriasis in 10 days or less... or your money back |